Friday, November 29, 2013

Will's cousin had to leave unexpectedly today so we have 1 extra ticket for tonight's sold out show.  If you're interested, you can text me at 916-719-6530.

Christy (Will's mom)

Friday, November 22, 2013

Vocal Health and Warm-ups

Hi all you People Singers...
I can't wait for audiences to see what you have achieved! Your commitment has been super. Now it is time to stay healthy so your work can be shared. First, for vocal health, stay hydrated...this windy, cold weather is drying. Warm herbal teas are the is dehydrating, as much as I love it.  Like Holly did last night, wear a scarf or sweater to keep your neck warm. (No screaming at your friends, your parents, or your kids.)
We do not have time for adequate vocal warm ups before performances. Sing warm ups as you get ready to come to the the shower, in the car...You can do the exercises we did in vocal rehearsals...and/or there are some great free apps for Android or Apple devices online. They work great.......
Please let me know if you want more info.
Stay healthy, have a joyous time, and.....keep singing! Blessings, Les Mis family. I am so proud of you!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

An Issue

If you have a child in the ensemble who is 11 or younger,
we need you to provide an adult kid wrangler for the performances.
Even if you are in the show.
It is impossible for actors in the cast or crew to monitor the behavior of their children during a performance.

Please see the sign up sheet that Dan Snow and Kim Havercroft emailed to the entire cast.  It would be good if we had two adult kid managers who would be on site starting at call time for each show date.

Your child will need to bring a quiet activity and a healthy snack and stay occupied while not on stage.

Please remind your child that it is not safe to leave the theater without an adult and that they cannot play outside in their costumes. There is a safety issue with children wandering around backstage "looking" for someone, or just hanging around.  THIS IS DANGEROUS.

Additionally, children in the cast must wear the costumes that they were assigned by Terri, and not some other items that they prefer.  In the Beggars scene, they are supposed to be destitute orphans living on the street, not children attending a party in Dickens' Christmas Carol.  Please help your child understand that they are part of an ensemble and they have an important role in helping to complete the overall picture.

If we continue to have trouble with their noise level and their whereabouts, we can switch to an alternating performance schedule where we have only two or three of them in each show.
Help your child leave the cast and crew with a good impression!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Hello,  I was wondering if anyone has an extra ticket for family night that can be spared?  I need one ticket.  Thanks,  Regina Drennan (Hannah and Liam's mom).
Please call me at 530-903-0560.

Dress rehearsal on Sunday???

Do we have a dress rehearsal on Sunday? We would like to Make plans for our Sunday off if so. Please advise!

Thank You

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Sunday - 11/17 question ----

I've heard that "The Wedding" is meeting prior to call time tomorrow  -  it's not posted anywhere.
Are "Wedding" participants to arrive before 12:30?  Anybody out there know?

Welcome back, Ned

It was so good seeing you on Thursday evening.  It's wonderful to know you'll be with us for the show.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Performance Nights

Everyone please note-
Due to our limited lobby space and large cast for this production, we ask that for performance nights- that is, when there is an audience-

Cast, orchestra and crew members please enter the theater through a rear door.
There is a door near the restrooms that will be open, and there are doors behind the stage that will be open.

Thank you!

We're getting down to the end...Thank you all for creating an exciting, moving production that will amaze our audiences!


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Family Night...

Does anyone have an extra ticket for the 26th? We'd love to make use of it, if you do! Please e-mail me:

Christine Rorden

Not contagious - from Adeline

Hello All,
I left early last night as I was feeling pukey and weird. Woke up this morning and I am fine. I think I ate something funky, so no worries about spreading anything.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Program Bios

Hey Everybody,


Nancy Christeson has graciously agreed to format the program for our show!

She proposed having our cast bios online for audience viewing via iphone prior to curtain.
If you would like to have a bio on the IT blog for audience viewing, please type it up and email it to Nancy at

You can also send a photo if you like.  Narrative style is the easiest to read, but since we'll have as much space as we like, unleash the creative beast within yourself!

We do ask that you get to it asap, to make Nancy's job easier.



Please take some time this week to advertise the show!
Get a notice into any newsletters, on bulletin boards, in lunch rooms, at the library, post office, coffee shop, hair/nail salons, gyms, etc.   Plus, tell people that you are in the show and that you want them to come see it.  It does make a difference.  There are more posters at the theater, or you can print the flyer from the Production Blog.

Remember that $75 for dinner, wine, dessert and a top-quality live performance is actually a good deal!  Not many fund-raisers are events where you don't get badgered to buy something at the event...
So Please invite someone this week to the Gala on November 23rd.

That is all for now!
Your  EBM

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Lindsey Thomas- Senior Homecoming week activities

El Dorado Has homecoming activities this weekend. Tonight is the Homecoming Bonfire, as it is her Senior year she would like to attend. It starts at 630 and goes for about an hour. She will come to practice right after.  Saturday night is Homecoming She will need to leave practice a little early to get ready for dinner and dance, maybe at 4:30. She has no set assignments towards the end of the show.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Found Lost Watch

I found my watch last night.  It was in my purse in a zippered compartment.
--Anne Novotny

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Are there any changes to the rehearsal schedule for this coming week or is it as posted on the original calendar?


New Photos

Check some of the updated shots!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Scoop light needed

Some of our dressing rooms are add-ons and could use more light.  Does anybody have a silver metal scoop-type light which holds a single light bulb we could use?   We need the type that clamps on a board.   It would add a lot of light to our dim dressing room.  Thanks!

Friday, November 1, 2013


Hey guys!  I'm sorry this post is coming so late, I tried to post last night but I guess it didn't work. :( Kathleen and I will be there tomorrow at Noon to help out with any makeup questions or concerns. This also includes hair! It will be general theater makeup with a few changes, such as more dirt (you can use a brown eye shadow for that).
 We will see you all tomorrow! Rest up!


Parking Saturday 12/07/13

Please mark your calendar for parking for the show on Saturday 12/07/13 as the parking area in front of the Forni Building will be closed off for a private event using that space that day with over 600 attendees.  Please plan on parking in other areas, i.e. over by the live stock barns, saving the close to the theater parking for our patrons. 


Box Office Note

Our Baroness of All Things Box Office, Nancy Christeson
will be out of town for our performances Dec 19-22.

Please plan to take care of your ticketing issues before then or after then.
Thank you!

Comp tickets for the cast and crew are forth-coming....