Monday, September 16, 2013

Set Construction, et. al.

Thanks to all who have helped on set construction!

Saturday Jeff Jackson, Mark Novatny and Peter finished the huge ladder structures that will be on the sides of the proscenium for our street monkeys to climb.

Anne Novatny along with Holly, Grace and Anna Salvestrin applied stain to the tables Peter & Jeff & John Dockter built for the Thenardiers' inn.

We've got the stone columns for the garden gate pretty much finished and primed.
Mark N. and Peter did some work on Fauchelevant's cart.
The huge capstan for moving the turntable is ready.
Peter has been working on the bridge pieces for Javert's suicide. That means that all the major pieces are built except for the turntable floor ramps.

Remaining Construction tasks:
 - another session of moving stuff to the theater from Pollock Pines
 - striking DeathTrap (Sept 29)
 - moving our structures into the theater
 - putting the turntable together and building up the stage floor
 - smoothing out turntable issues
 - lots of finish work
 - lots of painting

Beginning October first, Peter and his soulmate will be at the theater most days.
 If you have time to come by, we can put you to good use.
Teenagers to keep off the streets? We've got the answer!
Often, repeat offenders are rewarded with donuts or lunch. You never know.

If you haven't helped on construction, we hope we are correct in assuming that you must be helping Terri with costumes, or Adeline and Laura with props, or Marc Bonham with sound issues!

Volunteers needed:
 - a few trainable folks to work in the booth for the show.
 - someone to get ads for the program
 - someone to type and format the program
 - organizer for the advertising poster blitz - it's a relatively easy weekend task that requires a bunch of driving, smoothies and tacos. 

Terrific rehearsal last night at the barricade! Turns out that Eponine dies even when Marius can't be there...Can't believe they don't recognize Javert in that flimsy disguise.

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