Tuesday, May 7, 2013

SM & Group (23)

Bonjour! Two questions:

1. Can someone please explain what "SM" means on the Rehearsal Calendar?

2. There is nothing I can see on the calendar that specifically has (23) on it. Should Group (23) peeps assume to be at rehearsals that include Act 2, Sc 3? (Jul 15)

1 comment:

  1. Good Questions!

    SM on the rehearsal calendar means Stage Manager (Dan Snow)

    Re: Group 23- Right, you need to know which scenes you are in and be at rehearsals of those scenes if the calendar doesn't call out the group.

    Thanks for calling attention to this- Group (23) is missing from a rehearsal for Aug 22, which is (21) & (23) instead of (21) and (22)- so we'll note a correction.

    You get Best Cast Member for today!
